
NURS5382: Health Policy Infographic Assignment

NURS5382: Health Policy Infographic Assignment

Infographic Assignment
1. Instructions:
– This Infographic Assignment_Accessible.docx (rubric attatched below) will enhance your skills in communicating a health policy issue of interest to you in a powerful, creative way.
– Read the Infographic Assignment directions carefully.
– Must be completed on my previous policy framework paper. (attatched below)
2. Expectations:
– This assignment is due by Saturday 11:59 p.m. (CST) of Week 3.

– The paper is worth 100 pts.
– Review the Grading Rubric on the assignment handout for additional details.
– You infographic must be just as skilled, detailed, and professional as the sample provided. You must also include each rubric requirement with no grammatical errors.

3. Sample Infographic:
– National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, Infographic: “Readiness for emerging infection disease outbreaks” (attatched below)
– You infographic must be just as skilled, detailed, and professional as the sample provided. You must also include each rubric requirement with no grammatical errors.
– Cannot be very zoomed in.
– Also must have ample information like the sample.
– Must be clear with images.
– Must have refereneces in bottom right corner and in-text citations
– Where are in-text apa citations and refereces in apa format in the bottom right corner?
Policy Analysis Framework Essay
Monica Valdivia
The University of Texas at Arlington
NURS5382: Nursing & Healthcare Policy
Professor Tamara Eades
March 1, 2024
Policy Analysis Framework Essay
In present-day society, the interplay between policy, politics, and public health problems
causes a multilevel situation that, eventually, calls for integrated solutions (SAMHSA, 2020).
Within these challenges, the mental health care accessibility and affordability in the United
States of America is not only a serious but the main problem. While mental health disorders
understandings and evidence-based treatment have come a long way during the past years, there
are still barriers when trying to help marginalized groups (APA, 2019). The present work
examines the complex political circumstances surrounding this topic and involves relevant
socioeconomic, ethical, historical, and cultural factors (2018, IOM).
Policy Issue/Problem
The root of the matter is the inability of mental health care programs regarding, on the
one hand, affordability and, on the other hand, accessibility (ANA, 2020). While there have been
advancements in the understanding of mental disorders and treatments, there are still many
individuals, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, who face significant challenges in
accessing mental health care promptly and affordably (SAMHSA, 2020). These hindrances
involve limited insurance coverage, services accessibility geography-wise, extensive stigma
around mental disorders, and insufficient funding for mental health programs. (APA, 2019). The
social problem has so many aspects to it and those who have been affected are the individuals,
families, their communities, and the healthcare system (WHO, 2019).
Policy Lenses
Individual attitudes, values, views, principles, ethics, and political views substantially
affect perspectives on mental health policy (IOM, 2018). For example, people focusing on
empathy and compassion might propose the creation of mental health services starting with the
most vulnerable individuals and homeless populations. On the other hand, the titans advocating
self-reliance and individual responsibility may underline the role of personal efforts in the case
of mental health (IOM, 2018). Furthermore, mental health advocacy is often driven, amongst
others, by personal experiences, for example, through direct contact with sufferers or close
acquaintances. Research shows that these experiences shape the attitudes toward mental health
policy. Ethical contemplations, like the principles of justice, autonomy, and beneficence, also
carry weight while making policy perspectives. (APA 2019) Philosophical and political
approaches also suggest ways to overcome mental health disparities with different views ranging
from those who support the government’s role to those against it(SAMHSA, 2020).
Description of Policy Framework/Model
The Social Determinants of Health (SDH) model acts as an umbrella that covers and
offers a complete picture of mental health disparities (WHO, 2019). Therefore, this system
perceives the health outcomes of the individual as a consequence of the quality of healthcare
services, as well as the wider social, economic, and environmental contexts (IOM, 2018). The
SDH framework consists of the social and economic factors, physical environment, health care
system, and health behaviors that are among the key elements (WHO, 2019) This can be
achieved by addressing the underlying determinants of health which will result in better
environments that promote equal health and better psychosocial well-being (IOM, 2018).
Evidence-Based Policy Change
Evidence-based intervention with intervention is essential for mental health access and
affordability (SAMHSA, 2020). In both situations, At first, the release of stress hormones keeps
us alert and focused, and then, as the threat subsides, the body relaxes and recovers (APA, 2019).
On the other hand, promoting telehealth units in the area of healthcare can overcome
geographical barriers and improve access to services even in compromised areas (ANA, 2020).
For growth in the number of skilled personnel in mental health, it is fundamental to develop a
comprehensive plan for workforce development that includes for example scholarship programs
and loan repayment incentives (IOM, 2018). Such approaches as early interventions or
prevention programs are likely to lead to closing the gap between social strata in connection with
mental health equity and well-being (WHO, 2019).
Application of Selected Model/Framework
A knowledge base of the SDH paradigm for the treatment of mental health needs
highlights the system inequalities that lead to uneven access to and affordability of mental health
care provision (American Psychological Association, 2019). The SDH strategy presents
opportunities for increased care access but has potential issues including limited resources,
numerous competing priorities, and opposition from established interests (SAMHSA, 2020).
Improving access to mental health care and reducing it for those experiencing mental illnesses
means fashioning health policies where social justice is given priority (IOM, 2018). In this way,
involving public sector institutions and maintaining political leadership can help policymakers
envisage a society where it is possible to combat mental health inequities and improve healthy
living for all (ANA, 2020).
Barriers and Facilitators
Mental health disparities resolution through the SDH strategy involves limited resources,
competing policy priorities, and resistance from vested interests as the challenges. In line with
this, adequate social determinants have to be done conjointly and across the sectors which are
complex things to make it lasting over time. Facilitators can be the rising consciousness of the
community about the interplay of social factors affecting health, increasing appreciation for
evidence-based interventions, and the opportunities for joint actions among government
departments, health care providers, communities, and advocacy groups.
Advancing the Issue on the Policy Agenda
To advance mental health care accessibility and affordability on the policy agenda using
the SDH framework, policymakers can:
Create a partnership with different actors when realizing the goal like providers of
healthcare, societies, advocate teams, affected people and their families, and any
other relevant parties.
Frame mental health as inherently associated with social justice, as underlying
inequalities are the root cause of injustice, and health equity for the population is the
prime goal.
From the wide range of policy responses, integrating mental health services in primary
care clinics is the best choice given the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, accessibility, and public
influence (WHO, 2019). This approach upholds notions of fairness and confronts the obstacles
that hinder psychological care delivery (IOM, 2018). Through the inclusion of mental health
workers in primary care facilities patients can get quick diagnosis, treatment, and plans for
recovery, resulting in improved health results (APA, 2019). Therefore, the rise of telehealth, the
training of the workforce, and the development of prevention and early intervention programs are
the key areas to pay attention to for the sake of reaching the target of mental health parity and
COVID equity, as it is being called today (ANA, 2020).
Implications, Practice, & Approach for Nursing Leadership Policy
Nursing leadership has a critical position that is focused on the policies so they can be in
favor of mental health equity and well-being (Mental Health, 2019). A mental health nursing
leadership role can be achieved through policy engagement, education, and training, and then
support for evidence-based practices and interventions in mental health care (ANA, 2020).
Through collaboration with a variety of stakeholders around health care and working towards
social justice principles, nursing leaders are capable of the creation of places where mental health
equity is a reality, and any systemic disparities are addressed. Alongside, nursing leaders can be
the factors leading the way for the improvement of the workforce development system and the
implementation of best practices in the mental health settings care delivery.
American Nurses Association (ANA). (2020). Mental Health: The mandatory implementation of
wellness programs addressing mental health, support for affected workers and their
families, as well as providing training to managers and supervisors, can help employers
mitigate the impact of these crises on productivity, and effectively manage the risk of
turnover and absenteeism. American Nurses Association. Retrieved from
American Psychological Association (APA). (2019). Mental Health Disparities: Different
people/different cultures. American Psychological Association. Retrieved from
Institute of Medicine (IOM). (2018). Mental Health: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity. Institute of
Medicine. Retrieved from
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (2020). Behavioral
Health Equity: Culture, Race, and Ethnicity. Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Services Administration. Retrieved from
World Health Organization (WHO). (2019). Mental Health Action Plan. World Health
Organization. Retrieved from
Purpose: This assignment will assist you in conveying your health policy of issue of interest to you in a
creative, innovative and powerful way.
1. Topic: Select a current health policy topic of interest to you that is relevant to nursing practice
2. Content: Create an informational, timeline infographic that supports the content being presented.
3. Data/Objects: Present the content in a data driven, visually appealing manner
4. Details: Depending on the issue list recommendations about what different actors should do—e.g.,
Congress, state legislatures, relevant government agencies, health systems leaders, other nursing
organizations, etc.
Possible Points
1. Topic: Infographic topic is specific and relevant 20
to nursing practice. Topic is clear, concise and
2. Content: Type of infographic chosen e.g.
Informational, timeline etc supports the content being
presented. Content is accurate
3. Data/Objects: Data and objects presented are
related to the topic, easily interpreted, and visually
4. Details: Includes labels, supports the main ideas
and does not include distracting clutter
5. Clear grammar, spelling, writing style, neat and
organized, appropriate font, one page limit, APA
style/ Footnotes included
Submit: Infographic assignment by the end of Week 3 on Saturday night at 23.59pm (CST)