
MHA5026 Capital Asset Management Summary

MHA5026 Capital Asset Management Summary

you will consolidate the information you gathered from the previous assignments and provide a final analysis and assessment of the organization, comparing and contrasting the various strategies, trends, issues, and organizational dynamics that influence the allocation of capital in terms of their capital asset management process.
You will summarize your information in an executive summary containing the following sections:
Introduction and Background: Identify your target organization and provide background information including their mission and vision statements, goals, strategic plan, and organizational structure. This information is from your Week 3 assignment.
Market and Environmental Assessment: Provide a thorough review of the organization’s operating environment via a variety of sources including scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, and computer search systems. Identify known strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as well as known market and industry trends. This information is from your Week 4 assignment.

Executive Interview Summary: Summarize your executive interview discussing how your target organization determines capital asset needs and formulates budgets. This information is from your Week 7 assignment.

Analysis: Assess any theoretical, logical, or practical reasons for the organization’s approach to capital asset management and acquisition, including information technology status and regulatory and compliance reporting requirements.

Recommendations: Discuss recommendations you would make to your target organization to improve performance in the future. Use scholarly resources to support your recommendations.

Conclusion: Present your final thoughts about capital asset management in your target organization.

The executive summary must demonstrate academic writing skills by communicating in a clear, logical, and grammatically correct manner.

Review the rubric to ensure you address all grading criteria. Upload your executive summary to the assignment area.
MHA5026 Chief Executive Interview Analysis
Student’s name
Due Date
Question 1
Determining capital needs is a complex process within the business that is affected
by many factors, both internal and ones related to the market, in light of the company’s
current operational performance and the necessity of keeping the same high level or even
higher performance. Furthermore, the depreciation factor is another important issue for the
business because assets become older as time passes, new technologies appear, and this
means that it is necessary to update or replace them in order to survive on the market
(Eliana et al., 2021). However, the regulations are the first to be adhered to by the
organizations either by developing their infrastructures or adopting the right technological
improvements that will help them meet current standards and regulatory risks.
Industry dynamics, such as the current trends, competition, and population shifts,
allow capital projections to be aligned with the market needs and opportunities for growth.
Not only that, but the Nanotechnology assessment of new and emerging technologies
enables organizations to forecast their needs in the future and select the best technology
solutions for efficiency and customer satisfaction so that they can achieve their goals
(Eliana et al., 2021). Correctly, for instance, provider acquisition and retention are also
among those that must be present. They are the key to providing the services to patients by
competent staff that stays on the job as the patient’s needs change.