
BU 650-7 Herzing University

BU 650-7 Herzing University

For this assignment, I need to create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes instead of the original assignment given. I need a minimum of three references and in-text citations. In-text citations are essential for the speaker’s notes. The presentation should be 8-10 slides. Slides should be open and contain paragraphs. Four to Five Main Bullet points are to be given, and then they will be explained in the speaker’s notes. My professor also likes pictures on the slides.
Scenario: You are a hospital administrator responsible for leading your organization to both clinical and financial success. Recently, your hospital has experienced a lean fiscal year. As a result, the leadership team is considering a plan to make staffing adjustments, which may include layoffs. Details of this staffing plan are not confirmed. Generalized information, only, is being disclosed to employees at this time. 
Your role: Hospital Administrator 
Audience: This video will be sent via email to all hospital employees. 
The hospital’s current fiscal position (you will create fictional information).
Upcoming changes to staffing (you will create fictional information to depict a potential reduction in workforce). 
Hospital leadership’s commitment to employee well-being/morale. 
Hospital leadership’s commitment to patient care and outcomes.
Be aware of your body language: show empathy, yet be deliberate, authentic, and sensitive to the impending situation and its impact on morale. 
Record your head and shoulders, dress appropriately, speak slowly and with expression.

Video Script
Upload Word document containing a script of your video and references for your video. You may write the script prior to recording the video, or record first and use a transcription feature to develop the transcript. Include a minimum of two references to support your video’s content. APA style is required, although in-text citations are not necessary for the purposes of this video and transcript. 

Record yourself delivering a message to the hospital staff. For recording your video you have several options:
Use Screencast-o-maticLinks to an external site. (Instructional Video Below)
Any video recording system of your choice
Record video directly in the assignment submission using these instructionsLinks to an external site.
Assignment Resources
Technology for Teachers and Students. (2016 Dec 26). Screencast-O-Matic Tutorial – FREE Screen Recording Tool. [Video] YouTube. 
How to create and submit a media file in Canvas Download How to create and submit a media file in Canvas[PDF]