
Writing about Adolescent Sexual Health and Education and a “fact sheet” on a STD,

Writing about Adolescent Sexual Health and Education and a “fact sheet” on a STD,

You will write an argument essay, OR create a “fact sheet” on a STD,
You have a choice in what you may write about, but each topic requires that you use at least three different resources (one may be in the module directions page + one other that you find on your own). A paper receiving full credit will not exceed two pages, plus a work cited page in either MLA or APA format (yes, your paper will lose points if you don’t have a clear thesis, supports for your argument, and correctly formatted work cited). 
Here are your options for the short (2-page) argument essay:
1. Choose a side – either abstinence-only or comprehensive sex education and build an argument for it.
2. Choose a sexually transmitted disease and write an argument for why it should be included in sexual health education for students. Include information about this disease — is it a virus or bacteria? what are its symptoms? more common in males or females? how many diagnoses were there last year (or most recent data), and what is the treatment for it? In short, include information about this disease along with why students should learn about it.
3. Choose a topic related to gender identity and write an argument for why gender identity should be included in sexual health education for students. You might look at national data, school policies, workplace policies, health issues, an social issues – bullying or other forms of violence. Make sure you address how LBGTQ+ topics fit into a school sexual health curriculum.
*Alternatively, you may be more creative and make a “fact sheet” (something you find in a medical office, perhaps a physician would hand it to a patient following a diagnosis). Your fact sheet will be about a STD (you pick, syphilis, HPV, gonorrhea, herpes…). A fact sheet also has at least 3 sources of information that are listed under the heading, “For More Information.” The fact sheet may include images, such as a picture of a virus cell, or a chart showing rates of infection, but must also be about two pages — think front and back of a brochure.
2/25/24, 7:29 PM
Directions for Adolescent Sexual Health and Eudcation: TE280-01: Health Education for Teachers
Directions for Adolescent Sexual
Health and Eudcation
Adolescent Sexual Health and Education Module Directions
This unit will provide you with information on a variety of topics related to teen sexual health. One goal of this exercise is to present arguments over how Sex Education is addressed in schools.
Regardless of the grade you will teacher or whether or not you are involved in formal teaching in this area, your students are probably operating under incorrect assumptions and myths. In sex education, there are “3-R’s,” these are Rights, Respect, and Responsibility.
There are two positions in the US regarding how education about sex should be handled in schools and if it is, what the curriculum should include. These mostly boil down to (1) Comprehensive Sex Education OR (2) Abstinence-Only Education. It is important for you to read arguments on each side critically.
Pro-Abstinence Only Education
Review information posted on the (Ultraconservative) Heritage foundation website, which promotes
Abstinence Only programs
Read the article, “What Do Parents Want Taught in Sex Education Programs?” found here:
Pro-comprehensive Sex Education
Look through the material located on the “Advocates for Youth” website (this site include the national standards that are posted as a separate document in this module):

Honest Sex Education

Watch the video link below that argues against abstinence only education:
The Cognitive Case Against Abstinence-Only Education
2/25/24, 7:29 PM
Directions for Adolescent Sexual Health and Eudcation: TE280-01: Health Education for Teachers
Read linked the PDF called The Truth About Condoms, which is a fact sheet sponsored by Planned Parenthood:
( Many people have a misconception about he Planned Parenthood Organization goals and services. Visit the
Planned Parenthood website
On this site, click on “Learn” (top menu), and then click on “For Educators” – scroll down and read
“What Sex Education Do Teens Get in the US?” and the look at the links. Explore the “digital tools” for teachers – that come with lesson plans! Finally, explore the other links – you need to know current information on STDs, for example. Finally, look at the Planned Parenthood fact sheets (you will create a fact sheet for your final project in this course…so as you go through, collect ideas for what they look like). Here are the facts:
Read the NEW report on LGBT youth and the impact that sexual orientation has on their health:
Take the Adolescent Sexual Health Module Quiz