
PMHNP Practice Authority: What type of practice authority  exists within the state where you plan to practice as a PMHNP

PMHNP Practice Authority: What type of practice authority  exists within the state where you plan to practice as a PMHNP

1. What type of practice authority  exists within the state where you plan to practice as a PMHNP
2. How do the barriers to PMHNP impact the delivery of mental health services in the United States
3. What are the requirements for maintaining a PMHNP license in your state (address required practice hours, number of continuing education hours, the type of national of board certification).
Discussion Rubric
Original Post
On Target 4 > 2 points
Provided detailed responses to all questions and elements of the discussion questions
including the use of appropriate references, demonstrating the integration of material into
a coherent narrative.
2> 1 points
Provides a response that addresses several but not all of the elements of the question.
Makes general comments about the discussion topic. Uses direct quotes to make key
points without integrating the material into a coherent narrative.
1>0 points
Posting doesn’t address most of the elements of the questions posed. Over use of quotes
(as defined as 50% or more of the main posting) appears to be answering an other than
the discussion questions posed.
2 points
On Target
Replies with substantive comments or feedback that helps forward the conversation to at
least 2 colleagues using at least one reference citation
1 point
Replies with substantive comments or feedback to at least 1 colleague using at least on
reference citation.
0 points
Does not reply to colleagues or does not provide substantive enough reply, or replies are
without using appropriate citation/references to support discussion response.