
HSC 1000-C Introduction to Health Care: Week 5 Assignment

HSC 1000-C Introduction to Health Care: Week 5 Assignment

Florida National University
HSC 1000-C Introduction to Health Care: Week 5
Fifth Week assignment
Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard
margins. Follow APA format 7th Edition, when referring to the selected articles and
include a reference page.
Base on your textbook and scholar resources, answer the following questions:
1-What is metabolism?
2-What is the importance of carbohydrates in our diet?
3-What is a saturated lipid? Where is its source?
4-What substance produced by the liver breaks down fat-soluble vitamins?
5-Please write the water-soluble vitamins?
6-What are the two main important factors to maintain a physical fitness?
7-What is the daily caloric estimation for a very active patient weighing 150 pounds?
8-What are the factors to be considered for the BMI calculation?
9-What are the protein alternatives for vegetarians?
10-“The rate of obesity in the United States has doubled in the past two decades. Nearly onethird of the adult population is obese and an estimated of 17% of children and young adults ages
2 to 19 years are overweight.” What is your critical thinking derived from the statement
annotated above?
Thank you,
Dr. Gisela