
Marketing Plan Part 3 Marketing Mix: Product/Service Strategy

Marketing Plan Part 3 Marketing Mix: Product/Service Strategy

1) This plan will be a running or continuous document with each part of the project building onto the previous part and NOT a partial submission on each part of the Marketing Plan. This will make sure your project continues as a business plan. 
2) Address each item on the Rubric with a plan that contains complete details of the healthcare organization.   Answer each question by providing comprehensive
3) Do not type your answers to the questions on the rubric and submit it as your plan. Also, do not submit the rubric as part of your plan.
4) The topic of each question on the rubric will be your paragraph heading and should be bolded. Do not use the question sentence as your paragraph heading. Only use
the topic of the question as your paragraph heading.
5) Under each paragraph heading, you must answer the question with a comprehension response demonstrating your understanding of the textbook chapter and its relation to your healthcare organization.
Marketing Plan Project: Open Arms Mental Health Center
CHP475: Healthcare Marketing
Type of Organization
Mount Vernon Healthcare Center is a nonprofit inpatient treatment facility dedicated to
addressing the healthcare needs of the elderly population. Specifically designed to cater to the
unique challenges faced by senior citizens, the organization is staffed with experts in geriatric
medicine, nursing, and allied health professions. The center provides comprehensive care and
support to elderly individuals with physical ailments, cognitive disorders, and other age-related
health concerns.
Name of Organization
Mount Vernon Healthcare Center
Organization’s Mission
The mission of Mount Vernon Healthcare Center is “To enhance the quality of life for elderly
individuals through compassionate and specialized healthcare services.” The organization is
committed to delivering personalized care that addresses the physical, emotional, and cognitive
well-being of elderly residents. The goal is to create an environment that fosters dignity, respect,
and a sense of community for all residents and their families.
Organization’s Strategy Models
As an inpatient healthcare facility, Mount Vernon Healthcare Center specializes in providing
round-the-clock care for elderly individuals. The treatments and procedures offered require close
observation by healthcare professionals over an extended period. Residents stay in the facility
until their health conditions stabilize and discharge is approved by the medical team or per the
family’s preference. The center ensures a private and comfortable environment for residents
during their stay, promoting safety and well-being.
Hours of Operations
Office: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Scope of Service Line
Mount Vernon Healthcare Center offers services tailored to elderly residents facing physical and
cognitive challenges. The facility has specialized units designed to address various health
conditions prevalent among the elderly. The dedicated staff, including skilled nurses and geriatric
specialists, provide personalized care within a supportive community. The center’s approach
involves individualized treatment plans, therapeutic activities, and continuous monitoring to
ensure the well-being of each resident.
Clients Served
The organization serves elderly individuals aged 65 and above who require inpatient care due to
various health issues such as chronic illnesses, cognitive impairments, or rehabilitation needs.
Mount Vernon Healthcare Center is committed to providing inclusive care, and no resident will
face discrimination based on factors such as ethnicity, economic status, lifestyle, or religious
Locations of Clinics or Services
The inpatient facility is in Mount Vernon, New York, serving the broader Mount Vernon
metropolitan area.
Description of Business
Mount Vernon Healthcare Center operates as a comprehensive senior healthcare practice,
offering a wide range of services and resources to enhance the overall well-being of elderly
individuals in the Mount Vernon community. The organization aims to be a hub for affordable
and quality healthcare solutions, fostering positive relationships between caregivers and
residents. With a team of dedicated healthcare professionals specially trained in geriatrics, the
center strives to achieve optimal outcomes for its elderly population.
Financial Health or Positions
Mount Vernon Healthcare Center is a not-for-profit organization that relies on donations and
earned income to sustain its operations. The organization operates with a mix of volunteer and
paid staff, ensuring that all funds generated or received go directly back into maintaining and
improving the quality of services. Endowment funds are crucial in supporting the center’s
programs, with investments contributing to the organization’s overall financial stability and
Social Changes
The demographic landscape is witnessing a significant shift with an aging population, leading to
an increased demand for senior healthcare services. The prevalence of chronic conditions and
cognitive disorders among the elderly is on the rise. Mount Vernon Healthcare Center
acknowledges these social changes and is dedicated to adapting its services to meet the evolving
healthcare needs of the aging population in the Mount Vernon area.
Economic Factors
Socioeconomic factors play a crucial role in the well-being of elderly residents. Like many other
cities, Mount Vernon faces economic challenges that can impact the health of its senior
population. Mount Vernon Healthcare Center strives to mitigate financial barriers by accepting
various payment options, including Medicaid and various insurance plans. This approach ensures
that elderly individuals in need can access essential healthcare services without financial
Demographic Changes
The aging demographic trend has implications for the prevalence of mental health conditions and
chronic illnesses among the elderly (Mental Health and Aging). Data from national health
organizations indicates a rise in mental health conditions and substance use disorders in the
elderly population (Baker et al., 2021). Mount Vernon Healthcare Center is attuned to these
demographic changes. It is poised to address the evolving healthcare needs of seniors,
acknowledging that mental health concerns persist in older age groups.
Healthcare Delivery
The healthcare delivery process at Mount Vernon Healthcare Center is organized into four key
steps, which include assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring. Each resident undergoes a
thorough assessment to determine the most appropriate level of inpatient care. The medical team
diagnoses and formulates a tailored treatment plan, incorporating therapeutic activities,
rehabilitation, and cognitive support. Continuous monitoring ensures the ongoing well-being of
residents, with the ultimate goal of successful discharge.
Regulatory or Political Changes
Recent regulatory changes, such as the Elderly Care Enhancement Act of 2023, emphasize the
importance of specialized healthcare services for older people (Gharagozloo et al., 2023). Mount
Vernon Healthcare Center aligns with these legislative efforts, contributing to the enhancement
of elderly care systems. The organization supports ongoing education and training for its staff to
comply with evolving regulations, ensuring the seamless integration of behavioral health and
primary care for elderly residents.
Competitive Factors
Mount Vernon Healthcare Center competes for skilled healthcare professionals by offering
advanced training opportunities and state-of-the-art equipment. The organization strongly
emphasizes customer satisfaction and strives to attract residents by providing a comprehensive
range of services, excellent amenities, and competitive pricing. Medicaid coverage ensures that
the cost of treatments and programs is accessible to all, eliminating barriers to quality care.
Barriers to Entry
Advancements in healthcare technology pose a potential barrier to entry, as the adoption and
integration of new technologies can be challenging for some healthcare providers. Mount Vernon
Healthcare Center remains committed to overcoming this barrier by investing in ongoing staff
training and technology integration, ensuring that the organization stays at the forefront of
healthcare delivery.
Barriers to Exit
Mount Vernon Healthcare Center faces emotional barriers that could prevent an exit from the
market. Over time, the organization has built a loyal community of employees and residents. The
center’s vital role in supporting the health and well-being of the elderly population in Mount
Vernon establishes a strong emotional connection, making it challenging to contemplate exiting
the market.
Baker, S. T., Deady, M., Birrell, L., Ross, K., Fitzpatrick, S., Newton, N., … & Chapman, C.
(2021). Prevention of mental and substance use disorders: Shaping priorities for research
and implementation. Mental Health & Prevention, 24, 200211.
Gharagozloo, F., Poston, R., & Gruessne, R. W. (2023). Constitutional Violations by the Health
Care Quality Improvement Act (HCQIA) and the National Practitioner Databank (NPDB)
Reporting: Focusing on Preservation of the Civil Rights of Physicians. Journal of
Medicine and HealthCare, 5(3), 1-3. DOI:
Mental Health and Aging.
Marketing Plan Part 2: Product Service Overview Target
CHP 475: Healthcare Marketing
Proposed new service unique features
The proposed unique features of the services offered at the hospital are supporting and
educating patients on implementing healthy behaviors such as eating a balanced diet, being
physical active, and refraining from tobacco and alcohol. The programs aim to promote overall
well-being of patients by targeting vulnerable groups, like those who have chronic health issues
or the ones who live in remote areas. Lack of healthy behaviors contributes to mortality and
disability (Shen 2019). The education provided to patients will help change their lifestyle, which
will improve their well-being and overall health. In addition, the hospital will offer
evidencebased care and guidance, ensuring patients trust they will receive the best care.
Hospital Values to the target markets
One of the values the facility will ensure is the quality of care and service the patients
receive once they visit the hospital. Once the senior citizens age after toiling for several years
and their bodies begin to break down, they look for the best care. Quality service is delivered
with the help of personalized care, geriatric specialists, and skilled nurses. The hospital is
compassionate about treating their patients with empathy, respect, and acting with utmost
integrity. In addition, the facility has therapeutic plans, individualized treatment plans, and
continuous monitoring of patients to ensure their well-being is well taken care of. Delivering
quality health care to seniors begins with assessment, diagnosis, and offering the best treatment
plan. Close monitoring is in place to ensures the patient’s well-being as they await successful
discharge. The facility also values inclusivity, where no patient faces discrimination based on
cognitive disorders, health condition, economic status, ethnicity, religious beliefs, or lifestyle.
Benefits of the new service
Supporting and educating the elderly on implementing healthy behaviors increases their
well-being and participation in society. If a patient swiftly recovers from a health condition, it
could reduce their risk of getting chronic diseases and even disability. Increasing physical
activity and reducing sedentary behavior in older adults reduces stress and improves quality of
life and physical functioning. Behavioral changes like eating healthy foods could as improve
their well-being. Knowledge obtained from health professionals helps the patient change their
lifestyle, which improves health. Attending the classes offered by the hospital could help patients
to identify behavioral causes of poor quality of life. In addition, learning healthy coping
strategies helps in combating emotional and physical stress, which may be caused by unhealthy
Positioning of the new service compared to other services offered by competitors
Educating and supporting the patients about their ideal lifestyle to avoid future chronic
illness is vital in the facility. The knowledge the patients gain from their classes helps them
change their physical activities and lifestyle (Castle Hill Weight Loss & n.d.). The health
care professionals will have advanced training to counteract competition with other facilities.
Offering education increases customer satisfaction, which will attract residents, eliminating any
barriers that may block the delivery of quality care.
Different ways of performance from substitutable offering
The healthcare professionals in the facility comply with the evolving regulations that
ensure seamless behavioral health integration and primary care for elderly residents.
Additionally, the facility adopts and integrates new technologies, offering quality healthcare
delivery. Moreover, the facility is building a loyal community of patients, which eases the
support of well-being and health of the elderly. Emotional connection is a better way of ensuring
quality service.
Target market
The target market is the elderly population to address their healthcare needs. It aims to
cater to the challenges so that the patients get comprehensive care. They aim to support senior
citizens from cognitive disorders and physical ailments. The facility aims to improve the quality
of life by ensuring the Mount Vernon Healthcare Center personalizes their care through
emotional, physical, and cognitive disorders.
Since older adults face cognitive and physical, the hospital has units designed to address
the health conditions of their sickness. The target population is the elderly, aged fifty-five years
and above. The facility offers inclusive, inpatient care. Moreover, the patients’ health is our
priority, ensuring a supportive environment to all patients.
The rationale of the target market
Some elderly individuals are endangered and often face physical and cognitive
encounters. More often, the elderly are neglected by their family members, which inhibits
emotional and physical procedures. Often, most elderly fail to get a place where they can get
affordable and quality health care. The facility specifically trains its staff in geriatrics, ensuring
optimum outcomes for the elderly.
Segment strategies
The segment strategies used sociodemographic segmentation to develop the best way to
provide quality health to all patients. Mount Vernon Healthcare Center aims to target individuals
who are either retired or are near retirement. The elderly population is a group of importance, and
hence, the essence of modifying their services to ensure they meet the needs of these people as
they age. Psychographic segmentation is another way of segmenting the market for the facility. It
would understand the community’s interests, attitudes, and opinions, which ideally helps generate
lifestyle segments. The facility has insights on engaging and delivering messages to the
community near the facility. Conducting a survey of people living in that locality helps provide
quality services to the targeted population.
Sociodemographic variables
The hospital is in New York serving the Mount Vernon metropolitan area. Twenty-five
percent of the elderly individuals in the locality have various health issues such as cognitive
impairments, rehabilitation needs, and chronic illnesses. After realization, there was a need to
provide inclusive care regardless of lifestyle, economic status, ethnicity, or religious beliefs. The
population in Mount Vernon metropolitan area comprises individuals aged forty-five years and
above. People in those areas are living unhealthy lives, and several mental health and drug abuse
cases may hinder top health concerns.
Cohort segmentation
The cohort segmentation considered are individuals between 1950 and 1965 who are the
baby boomers. The group is vulnerable to physical and mental health issues, and in the coming
years, they require several healthcare services. Several baby boomers need preventative health
marketing as they ought to be aware of chronic illnesses that are prevalent as people age. It is
also essential for these individuals to be aware that chronic ailments are preventable if they
change their lifestyle behaviors.
Type of usage
The service offered at Mount Vernon Healthcare Center will be attributed to older adults.
Most users will be individuals over fifty-five years, generating many profits. Older people are
likely to use a support group for several reasons. Some patients would like to understand their
mental wellness better. Therefore, they will get more knowledge on physical exercise, nutrition,
and any other form of healthy living. People in their retirement age usually have spare time to
learn a course regarding their mental wellness. Older adults have difficulties losing weight, and if
the Mount Vernon Healthcare Center has a service that would help them, they are more likely to
develop an interest in ensuring they live an efficient and healthier life.
Benefit segmentation approach
Patient ranging from fifty years and above would value the quality care and services
offered to them as they visit a hospital. After working for many years, elderly individuals seek
the best care when their bodies start breaking down. Mount Vernon Healthcare Center is among
the best in the country in delivering quality service for older adults to ensure they live healthier.
Segmenting Business Market
Mount Vernon Healthcare Center will select a group of individuals so that the service
given to them will appeal to their interests. The facility uses psychographic segmentation for the
opinions, interests, and attitudes of older people who want a better lifestyle. Surveys help deliver
engaging messages to their patients; hence, they give a general overview of the well-being of the
retirement age population.
Castle Hill Weight Loss & Wellness Programs. Free Weight Loss & Wellness Programs
at Bronx YMCA. (n.d.).,
Shen, A. (2019). Marketing Preventive Health to Baby Boomers: What if unhealthy lifestyles are
attributable to the counterculture? Journal of Macromarketing, 39(2), 151–165.